Legal Advocacy Department

1. In the Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Legal Advocacy Department is formed with five divisions as follows:

(a) Administration Division
(b) Information and Technology Division
(c) Training Division
(d) Legal Advocacy Division
(e) Legal Research Division

2. Functions of the Administration Division

(a) preparing and submitting a budget in time for expenditures of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and District and Township Law Offices within the Union Territory as per the relevant financial year;
(b) allocating the fund to the Ministry of Legal Affairs and District and Township Law Offices within the Union Territory and allocating the additional fund granted;
(c) managing the expenditure allocated in accordance with the financial regulations and following in accordance with the account maintenance principles, issuing receipts and cheques, scrutinizing to draw salaries and wages, in time, of the Minister’s Office and Departments in the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(d) arranging to open saving accounts in connection with the relevant banks for drawing the salaries of the officers who are at the rank of staff officers and above serving at the Ministry of Legal Affairs, in digital means and arranging to receive ATM card;
(e) arranging to draw uniform fees granted annually for the (permanent) civil service serving at the Ministry of Legal Affairs and rental fees for housing in the prescribed rates for the permanent civil service resided outside the government housing for any cause of reason;
(f) drawing cash plan compiling the quarterly expenditures reports sent by each department/ division and arranging to submit the reports to the Treasury Department in the prescribed period;
(g) arranging to allot the drawing limits to the Base Account Departments;
(h) reporting to the different levels to transfer the budget head from one account to another according to the requirement of work in expending money according to the budget allotment;
(i) scrutinizing whether or not to transfer the monthly statements of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and District and Township Law Offices within the Union Territory;
(j) submitting the report on loans for fire, water and air hazard of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and District and Township Law Offices within the Union Territory;
(k) submitting the report on the expenditure of foreign currency of the officers went aboard;
(l) submitting the report on the travelling allowance of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and District and Township Law Offices within the Union Territory;
(m) re-depositing a budget surplus in time within the time limit as per the relevant financial year;
(n) giving a lecture on budget and accounts at the departmental training;
(o) arranging the matters on budget and accounts management assigned by the Union Minster and Attorney General of the Union, the Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General, and the Director General of the Departments.

3. Functions of Information and Technology Division

(a) coordinating with the departments and organizations connected for the development of information and technology;
(b) arranging for ease and facilitation of information and technology service of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(c) designing and implementing the work plan in accordance with the policies and guidance laid down by the State for the development of information and technology sector of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(d) imputing personal records of law officers/ administrative officers into the office computer in time by using (Employee Bio Database Management System);
(e) uploading news for current activities, meetings and ceremonies of the Ministry onto the Ministry of Legal Affairs’ website (;
(f) managing the network data within the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(g) communicating with internal/ international organizations via official e-mail;
(h) providing training for the law officers and staff in the Ministry of Legal Affairs and different levels of law office to upgrade their knowledge of and skill in information and communication technology;
(i) forming necessary committees and working committees, and cooperating with internal/ international organizations for effective implementation of information and communication technology of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(j) storing data from monthly reports provided by the Minister’s Office and Departments on the server.

4. Functions of the Training Division

(a) providing training for recruited law officers and staff and arranging for sending them to the Civil Service Academy (CSA) to attend training;
(b) arranging for law officers and staff in the Ministry of Legal Affairs and different levels of law office to attend the relevant training courses opening at the Civil Service Academy (CSA);
(c) establishing a training calendar as per a calendar year for the training courses opened by the Ministry of Legal Affairs, designing the training plan and training timetable;
(d) providing and managing capacity building training and refresher courses for law officers and staff;
(e) arranging for the effectiveness of the training provided by the Ministry of Legal Affairs in accordance with the guidance of the Supervisory Committee on the training;
(f) implementing the activities of dissemination of legal knowledge of the Legal Advocacy Centre of the Ministry of Legal Affairs, systematically in accordance with the guidance of the Supervisory and Management Committee on the Legal Advocacy Centre;
(g) arranging for law officers and staff to attend internal and international training courses, workshops and meetings and study tours;
(h) arranging for lectures provided by the experts from the different levels of law office in the training courses opened by the Ministry of Legal Affairs and other Ministries and organizations;
(i) keeping records systematically for the preparation of curricula;
(j) cooperating with the international organizations in accordance with the stipulations for the appointment of necessary experts;
(k) conducting the training jointly organized by the internal and international organizations.

5. Functions of the Legal Advocacy Division

(a) opening legal advocacy training;
(b) publishing legal research paper;
(c) keeping, distributing, selling and compiling books published by the Law Books Publishing Committee of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(d) undertaking the financial matters of the Law Books Publishing Committee of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(e) managing the library affairs of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;

6. Functions of the Legal Research Division

(a) supporting the requirements in preparing the legal research papers by the legal research working groups;
(b) providing support in the legal research paper readings of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(c) keeping records of the legal research works;
(d) preparing annual performance record of the legal research working groups;
(e) keeping records of personal data of the members of the legal research working groups.