Legislative Vetting Department

1. In the Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Legislative Vetting Department is formed with four divisions as follows:

(a) Legislative Vetting Division
(b) Rules, Regulations, By-laws, Notifications, Orders, Directives and Procedures Vetting Division
(c) Legal Translation Division
(d) Constitutional Affairs Division.

2. Functions of the Legislative Vetting Division

(a) vetting and advising on the draft laws sent by the State Administration Council, the Union Government, the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw, any Union level organization, any ministry of the Union or Nay Pyi Taw Council;
(b) attending meetings, workshops and seminars on legislative vetting conducted by any Union level organization or the ministries of the Union;
(c) discussing bills in the Hluttaw Bill Committee meeting when the Committee invites the Division as the Legislative Joint Committee;
(d) supporting the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union to discuss the legal matters in Security, Stability and Rule of Law Committee in which the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union is a member;
(e) giving legal advice and remarks when the President of the Union requested for advice before signing a bill into law and promulgating the law under section 105 or 106 of the Constitution;
(f) giving lectures on legislative vetting in the capacity building training;
(g) giving lectures on laws in the training conducted by ministries of the Union and organizations;
(h) attending the training on legislative drafting provided by foreign experts, other subject wise training, meetings, workshops and seminars;
(i) advising the ministries of the Union and organizations when so requested as to whether or not the policies and strategies conform with the law;
(j) advising the Office of the Advocate General of the relevant Region or State on (draft) laws when so requested for special issues submitted to the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(k) carrying out the functions assigned by the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, the Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General, and the Director General.

3. Functions of the Rules, Regulations, By-laws, Notifications, Orders, Directives and Procedures Vetting Division

(a) vetting and advising on draft of rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, orders, directives and procedures sent by the relevant government departments and organizations;
(b) vetting and advising on the remarks on the functions of organizations formed under the national policy from time to time;
(c) attending meetings, workshops and seminars on drafting rules conducted by the Working Committee for Drafting Rules in which law officers are members;
(d) attending meetings of the Hluttaw Bill Committee;
(e) attending the training on legislative drafting provided by foreign experts, other subject wise training, meetings, workshops and seminars;
(f) attending the training provided and, meetings, workshops and seminars conducted in foreign countries;
(g) supporting the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union to discuss the legal matters in Security, Stability and Rule of Law Committee in which the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union is a member;
(h) giving lectures on legislative vetting on subordinate laws in the capacity building training;
(i) giving lectures on subordinate laws vetting in the training provided by the Ministries of the Union;
(j) carrying out the functions assigned by the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, the Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General, and the Director General.

4. Functions of the Legal Translation Division

(a) translating the existing laws enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw from Myanmar to English version;
(b) replying to the relevant ministry, government department or organization, when so requested after scrutinizing whether or not the legal terms in rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, orders, directives and procedures translated into English are correct;
(c) replying to the relevant government departments or organizations, when so requested after scrutinizing whether or not the legal terms in the international conventions and agreements to be concluded with any foreign country or any regional organization translated from Myanmar to English version or vice versa are correct;
(d) translating rules, ordinances, declarations, notifications, orders, directives and procedures issued by the Union Government from Myanmar to English version, if necessary;
(e) translating news on visits of representatives from international organizations to the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, and activities of the Ministry of Legal Affairs, from Myanmar into English to be uploaded on the website;
(f) preparing the annual publication of Myanmar Laws Books by compiling laws enacted annually and translated from Myanmar into English version;
(g) giving a lecture on legal English in On-Job training course for Law Officer Grade-4 (Probation), refresher course and legal English course provided by the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(h) carrying out the functions assigned by the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, the Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General and the Director General.

5. Functions of the Constitutional Affairs Division

(a) giving legal advice on constitutional affairs when so requested by the State Administration Council, the Union Government, the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Union level organizations;
(b) preparing reports on special legal issues to be submitted by the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union to the meetings of the State Administration Council and the Union Government;
(c) preparing answers for proposal submitted or questions raised in the Hluttaws;
(d) preparing answers for the matters in coordination with other Ministries of the Union or any organization;
(e) preparing report on the fulfillment of pledges resulting from answering the motions or questions to the Union Government;
(f) preparing for giving guidance or legal advice when so requested by the Office of the Advocate General of the Region or State;
(g) cooperating with the Prosecution Department in supporting submissions to the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union on behalf of the President of the Union;
(h) giving legal advice in hearing the electoral objections as an amicus curiae;
(i) carrying out the functions assigned by the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, the Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General and the Director General.