Minister’s Office

According to the approval of the Meeting No. (9/ 2022) of the Union Government held in December 2022, the Ministry of Legal Affairs is formed as follows:

 (a) Minister’s Office

 (b) Legislative Vetting Department

 (c) Legal Advice Department

 (d) Prosecution Department

 (e) Legal Advocacy Department.

1. In the Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Minister’s Office is formed with seven divisions as follows:

(a) Staff Office
(b) Administration and Human Resource Management Division

(i) Human Resource Management Section
(ii) Monitoring and Evaluation Section

(c) Policies, Laws and Procedures Vetting and Functional Inspection Division
(d) Planning and Statistics Division
(e) Internal Audit and Budget Division
(f) Internal/ International Relations and Information Division
Rule of Law and Justice Sector Coordination and Private Individual’s Submissions Scrutiny Section
(g) e-Government Division.

2. Functions of the Staff Office

(a) arranging the administrative matters of the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, and the Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General;
(b) arranging the coordination meetings of the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, and the Heads of the Departments and Divisions of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(c) compiling and keeping records of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(d) undertaking the office work of the Bar Council.

3. Functions of the Administration and Human Resource Management Division

(a) arranging the administrative matters of the Minister’s Office of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(b) carrying out functions of personnel management assigned by the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union;
(c) selecting and sending trainees to local/ international training courses, and cooperating in opening training courses organized by the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(d) cooperating in selecting and sending the delegates to the local/ international seminars, exhibitions and workshops;
(e) carrying out anti-corruption activities;
(f) managing the appointment, confirmation of appointment, promotion, transfer, departmental action and retirement of law officers and staff in the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office;
(g) managing the personnel affairs of the Departments and the different levels of law office;
(h) appointing the experts;
(i) building the workforce of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office, and creating the organizational structure of the different levels of law office;
(j) giving recommendation for conferring honorary titles and medals, and arranging to confer the Union Attorney General’s Award;
(k) compiling the lists of law officers and staff in the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office monthly;
(l) arranging the Executive Committee Meetings of the Ministry of Legal Affairs, and coordination meetings for the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union and the Advocates General of the Region/ State, Law Officers of the Region/ State and District Law Officers;
(m) arranging for the compilation of personal data, service records, confidential records and statistics of law officers and staff in the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office;
(n) setting up the record rooms systematically in the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office;
(o) providing the security measures for the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office;
(p) promoting social welfare of the law officers and staff in the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office;
(q) carrying out activities for combating bribery.

(i) Functions of the Human Resource Management Section

(aa) making the confidential records of the individual’s capacity of officers/ staff serving in the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office;
(bb) presenting the review as to whether or not the specified duties are performed skillfully;
(cc) presenting the review for the necessary work plans as to whether or not the workloads balance on workforce;
(dd) presenting the review for the types of training that should be provided, the official status required to attend the training and sending trainees to local/ international training;
(ee) making a study on the basic needs of the staff and presenting the situation that will be fulfilled the staff’s needs;
(ff) carrying out the functions as are assigned from time to time.

(ii) Functions of the Monitoring and Evaluation Section

(aa) carrying out functions of monitoring and evaluation under the monitoring and evaluation system of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(bb) submitting the reports on the functions of the departments;
(cc) submitting the reports on the strategic plan;
(dd) conducting surveys, and monitoring and evaluation of the capacities and achievement of the officers/ staff in performing their duties;
(ee) submitting the reports on the evaluation of qualifications of officers/ staff attended local/ international training;
(ff) submitting the assessment reports on the training provided by the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(gg) submitting the recommendation for the study on the projects and work plans to be initiated by the Ministry of Legal Affairs and each department;
(hh) carrying out the functions as are assigned from time to time.

4. Functions of the Policies, Laws and Procedures Vetting and Functional Inspection Division

(a) cooperating in issuing, amending and inserting the policies, laws, rules, notifications, orders, directives and procedures of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(b) scrutinizing whether the functional reports submitted by the respective Department of the Ministry of Legal Affairs conform with the policy and procedure;
(c) cooperating in the issue of facts related to the agreements between the Ministry of the Legal Affairs and international or regional organizations;
(d) coordinating with the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw in replying to their questions, undertaking the matters on pledges and giving legal opinion at the request of the government departments and organizations;
(e) compiling forwarding letters and submitting them to the Union Government;
(f) submitting the findings to the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union after observing the policy and departmental activities of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(g) inspecting the office work of the respective departments of the Ministry of Legal Affairs, annually, by the respective Deputy Director General;
(h) making the regular inspection on the Offices of the Advocate General of the Region or State, a special or unscheduled inspection, from time to time, if necessary;
(i) following up of the implementation of the recommendations in the audit report sent by the audit office;
(j) auditing the budget expenditure of the performance of work as per the relevant financial year;
(k) acting on the findings in inspection of law offices.

5. Functions of the Planning and Statistics Division

(a) cooperating in drawing up the long-term, short-term and annual plans of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and submitting the progress report;
(b) coordinating in the implementation of the projects of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the Offices of the Advocate General of the Region or State;
(c) compiling the lists of the planning and statistics of the departments in the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(d) compiling and keeping the statistics of the Ministry of Legal Affairs by using information and communication technology;
(e) finding plots of land to build offices and staff housing of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office and constructing the buildings;
(f) procuring for and distributing office supplies to the Ministry of Legal Affairs and law offices within the Union territory;
(g) procuring and maintaining motor vehicles for the Ministry of Legal Affairs and law offices within the Union territory;
(h) arranging transport service for the staff of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(i) ensuring the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office are environment-friendly and green.

6. Functions of the Internal Audit and Budget Division

(a) coordinating in auditing the monthly budget of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office in the Union Territory;
(b) submitting the findings to the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union after reviewing the budget allocation to be accurate for the receipts and expenditures of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law office in the Union territory;
(c) cooperating in the internal audit of the Ministry of the Legal Affairs.

7. Functions of the Internal/ International Relations and Information Division

(a) arranging communication with the Ministry of Legal Affairs and international or regional organizations;
(b) arranging communication with the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the Offices of the Advocates General of the Region or State, government departments and organizations;
(c) cooperating in the arrangement of the functions related to local/ international meetings and seminars;
(d) collecting international news and information and distributing the press release, if necessary;
(e) making a response to and taking action against the distribution of false information about the performance of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the different levels of law offices.

Functions of the Rule of Law and Justice Sector Coordination and Private Individual’s Submissions Scrutiny Section

(aa) forwarding private individual’s submissions to the Department, respective Ministry or organization, if necessary after receiving and scrutinizing these submissions;
(bb) coordinating with the respective Ministry and organizations, if necessary, regarding private individual’s submissions;
(cc) cooperating with the respective departments and organizations in raising awareness of rule of law and justice;
(dd) cooperating with the Rule of Law and Justice Sector Coordination Body in conducting meetings and seminars;
(ee) carrying out the functions as are assigned from time to time.

8. Functions of e-Government Division

(a) managing the functions of e-Government Division of the Ministry of the Legal Affairs and its officers and staff;
(b) performing the duty as a member for the collection of information and data of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(c) performing the duty as a member of the e-Government Implementation Working Committee of Myanmar, and Information and International Cooperation Sub-committee;
(d) performing the duty as a CIO for e-Government system and Cyber security of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(e) attending the seminars of e-Government;
(f) undertaking e-Government system security of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and internal network security;
(g) preparing the budget for the lists of network, hardware and software components required of e-Government of the Ministry of Legal Affairs;
(h) cooperating between the Ministry of Legal Affairs and international organizations for the development of IT;
(i) performing the duty as a team leader of System Development for the implementation of Myanmar Law Information System;
(j) implementing e-Government systems directed by the Office of the President/ the Office of the Union Government.