Holding the12th ASEAN Law Ministers Meeting and the 22nd ASEAN Senior Law Officials Meeting

25 January 2024, Nay Pyi Taw
The 12th ASEAN Law Ministers Meeting (ALAWMM) and the 22nd ASEAN Law Officials Meeting (ASLOM) hosted by Myanmar were held via video conference from January 23 to 25 in 2024. During those two Meetings, Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, H.E. Dr. Thi Da Oo conducted as the chairperson in 12th ALAWMM and Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General, H.E. Dr. Htain Linn Oo acted as the chairperson of the 22nd ASLOM respectively.
Judicail Law Ministers, Attorneys General, Senior law officials from the ASEAN Member States and officials from the ASEAN Secretariat attended to these meeting. Along with them, Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals and Directors from Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar attended to the meetings virtually.
  Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, H.E. Dr. Thi Da Oo, delivered the opening remark at the 22nd ASLOM meeting. In her opening remarks, she expressed her gratitude to the ASEAN Member States and the ASEAN Secretariat for allowing Myanmar to hold this meeting. She appreciated 21st ASLOM Chair, H.E.Brigido J. Dulay, Undersecretary of the Department of Justice of the Philippines, for hosting the previous meeting and congratulated for his outstanding chairmanship. In addition, she acknowledged the development of ASLOM meeting and suggested the ASLOM colleagues to take into account for closer legal cooperation in order to implement the strategic plan of ASEAN Political-Security Community. Lastly, she expressed her expectation that as the ASLOM plays an important role in developing for legal environment of ASEAN Member States, the fruitful result will be emerged from this meeting.
Continuing, the 12th ASEAN Law Ministers Meeting (ALAWMM) was held on 25 January 2024 through video conferencing. Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, H.E. Dr. Thi Da Oo conducted as chairperson and delivered opening remarks. In her remarks, she expressed her heartfelt appreciation and delighted in acting as the chairperson of 12th ASEAN Law Ministers Meeting (ALAWMM) on behalf of Myanmar. She congratulated Malaysia for chairing the 11th ASEAN Law Ministers Meeting. She stated that Myanmar fully respects the principles of sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, non-interference, consensus and unity diversity under the ASEAN Charter. Additionally, Myanmar has been working hand-in-hand with ASEAN Member States to build a successful ASEAN community and regional integration. She congratulated all the members for successfully holding the 22nd ASLOM in last two days. In addition, she also explained that the State Administration Council re-constituted the Attorney General Office into the Ministry of legal Affairs (MoLA) in accordance with Article 419 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on 30 August 2021.The Ministry of legal Affairs is the only Ministry that interacts with the Legislative, Executive and Judicial organs of the State. She said that she is acting as the chairperson of the Law Translation Commission, the Bar Council, and Union Coordination Body for the Rule of Law Centers and Justice Sector Affairs and the ASEAN Law Association (ALA-Myanmar). She also shared the activity of MOLA which has been implementing under 2020-2024 strategic plan with the theme “Legal Services for Justice”. The Ministry of Legal Affairs has conducted legal cooperation in ASEAN Region as well as International. In addition, she expressed that 12th ALAWMM is an opportunity for Law Ministers to interact and exchange views with each other and to strengthen cooperation within ASEAN region. Thus, the outcomes of the 12th ASEAN Law Ministers Meeting will contribute to greater understanding among ASEAN Law Ministers in order to achieve the common goals under the ASEAN Charter.
Furthermore, she highlighted that there have been increasing number of online meetings today as this practice save time and budget. Therefore, she suggested that the ALAWMM the regional virtual practice should strengthen among us for further legal cooperation.
During the 22nd ASLOM, the matters related to the progress of the ASEAN Extradition Treaty, legal matters of ASEAN Member States, harmonization of the ASEAN trade law, ASEAN legal information authority, transfer of sentenced person between ASEAN Member States, crime prevention and justice, judicial cooperation among ASEAN Member States, mutual legal assistance in civil and commercial matters, liberalization of legal professions, ASEAN Law Association and the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters has been deliberated. At the 12th ALAWMM, ASEAN Law Ministers from ASEAN Member States friendly discussed on the matters of the adoption of the reports of the 21st and 22nd ASLOM, the determination of the time and venue for the 13th ALAWMM, discussing on the Joint Communique of the meeting, and considering to adopt the report of 12th ALAWMM.