Conducting a Mock Trial for the Law Officers Grade-4(Probation) in the On-Job Training Course No.1/2024

11 March, Nay Pyi Taw

According to the direction of the Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, a mock trial for the 60 Law Officers Grade-4(Probation) in the On-Job Training Course No. 1/2024 was conducted by collaboration between the Prosecution Department and the Legal Advocacy Department at the ground floor meeting room of the Ministry of Legal Affairs at 9:30 a.m. this morning.
In the mock trial, the experienced senior law officials acted out the whole stages of prosecution and trial procedures for an offence in the courtroom and taught practical instruction to the trainees. It is also known that mock trial competitions practiced by the trainees will continue.
The Union Minister and Attorney General of the Union, Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General of the Union, respective persons from the Training Division, trainers from the Prosecution Department, officers and staff acting in the mock trial, and 60 trainees attended the mock trial.

(MOLA’s News)