The Attorney General of the Union delivers the speech at the Opening Ceremony of Refresher Course for Law Officers (No. 28)

28 February, Nay Pyi Taw

          H.E U Tun Tun Oo, the Attorney General of the Union, attended the opening ceremony of Refresher Course for Law Officers (No. 28) held at the Union Attorney General’s Office and delivered the opening speech.
In the opening speech, the Attorney General of the Union instructed that this course is opened for the second time in 2017; the first course was the mid-level refresher course for law officers (1/2017); now this course is the refresher course for township law officers and staff officers from the Head Office and the respective State and Region; the training hall was built in Union Attorney General’s Office and, the training will be provided continuously for promoting the capacity building of law officers; in this course, Directors General, Deputy Directors General and Directors from the Union Attorney General’s Office, the external experts, the experts from international organizations: UNDP, JICA and Denmark (ICJ) will give lecture and discuss about prosecution, personnel affairs and financial matters, code of ethics for law officers and case management, he said that our functions need to be performed dutifully in accordance with enacted laws and rules on the basic of knowledge and experiences studied during the course, then, he instructed law officers to endeavor in order to develop the role of law offices, workmanship and capacity building since he has a member of the Union Government; the courts as well as law offices and prosecuting bodies are responsible for the development of justice sector, it is important to perform free from corruption and not to have pending cases; he is trying with great effort to get government housing and to be convenient of social difficulty of staff in this period and so, law officers have to perform duties and functions by conducting as a good civil service personnel for the benefit of the State and the people.
Directors General, Deputy Directors General, Directors and (40) trainees attended the opening ceremony and the duration of the training will last (30) days.

(Union Attorney General’s Office)